
A summary of me, my interests, my career, and why/how this site was built.


I'm a Product Manager based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Currently working in the cryptocurrency/blockchain industry. Outside of work, I write code and explore the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

I was born in 1999 and grew up in Melaka, Malaysia. Recently graduated from Xiamen University Malaysia with a Software Engineering Degree.

In university, I founded and lead XMUM Tech Club and Google Developer Student Club XMUM. I wish to let students to explore different fields in the tech industry rather than only learning through universities lectures. So that student can be more industry prepared when graduate.


I'm currently working at CoinGecko as a product manager. Was a developer and software engineer before getting into product management. Currently focus on developing software product in the crypto/blockchain industry.


Product at CoinGecko


Building products @CoinGecko ๐Ÿ’ช


Freelance/Contract/Part-time Developer

During my studies at Xiamen University Malaysia, I started doing some side gigs as a Full-stack Software Developer. Mainly coding in Typescript, Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJS, Django.


Software Engineering Major Student at Xiamen University Malaysia (XMUM)


Studing Software Engineering in XMUM. In university, I founded XMUM Tech Club and Google Developer Student Club to build up tech community in my university.

This Site

This site was initially built in Sep 2022 over 1/2 weekends. Forked from sj.land and inspired by rauno.me

This site is built with Next.js and deployed on Vercel. Content (expect blogs) is managed in Notion and statically pre-rendered through Notion API. When new discoveries are added on the go, content is regenerated at server-side on demand, without manual redeployment. Blog posts are written in GitHub Issue as CMS for hosting blog content. Blog posts content are loaded to /blogs at server-side using Github GraphQL API.Radix UI is used for front-end components like modals and tooltips. Next Themes made light/dark-mode management easy.




Stay in touch

I'm more active on twitter